Phytosanitary Certification

The Ecophyto Plan

The aim of this action plan is to halve the amount of pesticide used by promoting the use of alternative methods over the next ten years.

In 2008, the Grenelle de l'Environnement established a law which included an action plan named the ECOPHYTO 2018 plan. The aim of this action plan is to halve the amount of pesticide used by promoting the use of alternative methods over the next ten years.

To meet this objective, numerous regulations have been put in place, including the obligation for companies involved in handling plant protection products to obtain certified approvals for their business.

In 2015, it emerged that the provisions in place were not sufficient. Consequently, the ECOPHYTO II plan was drawn up to consolidate and broaden the key actions set out in the ECOPHYTO I plan, such as certification for companies involved in handling plant protection products. The reduction target was split into two phases, with goals of 25% reduction by 2020, and 50% by 2025.

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Accréditation N°5-0573
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Phytosanitary Certification Certification CSA-GTP